Website Content Worksheet

    This worksheet is to be used by Macrodo Clients,
    in conjunction with our Website Design Contract and the Website Planning Worksheet,
    which should also be printed out or downloaded by the client.
    This questionnaire is designed to ease the process of sending us the information used in building your site.
    After your initial consultation with a Macrodo representative, you should have a good idea of what you want to do with your website.
    After you've filled in the blanks, we will both have a clear understanding of what information is going where, how to name them, and how to layout the site.
    This provides a written guide (or blueprint) of what the site will become.

    Your Name


    *Should be main contact for your project.

    Phone Number (required)

    This is the main contact phone number for the owner of the website, kept private for communication between Macrodo and the client.

    Public Phone Number

    Make this number public on the contact page of the site.

    Website Name(required)

    *This is the regular name of the company, organization, individual,
    that we will be building the website for.
    (ex. Macrodo Marketing & Design.)

    Website Address(required)

    *This is the actual address to the website itself,
    OR the domain name desired for your project. (ex.

    Website Slogan(required)

    This is the slogan or mantra of the company, organization, individual,
    that we will be building the website for. (ex. Image is one thing, having it seen is Everything Else!.)

    Your Contact Email (required)

    *Client's contact email address

    Main Email (required)

    This is the main email address for the website,
    this will be used for all communication from the website to the owner.

    How Many Static Pages?

    (check one) “Static” means pages with content that does not change much after being setup.
    ex. Home, Contact, About, etc.

    We know it is hard to know exactly how many pages there will be on your future site, and once we see all the information you want online we may suggest a different approach to laying it out that may change this number.Basically this is an estimate, if you listed out the main pages you can think you want on your site, how many do you think there will be?

    Special Features:

    *Special Features like Blogs, Photo Galleries, News feed pages etc. require an extra setup beyond the normal “page” as they have content automatically updated by feeds OR manually by the owner (you).

    BlogPhoto GalleryAudioFormsFlashNews feeds

    Home Page Text:

    (if you would like the homepage titled anything other then home, add title here in the first line. ex. Welcome.)
    Copy and Paste your home page text here.

    About Page Text:

    (This is usually a page dedicated to talking about the company, individual, or mission of the website.)
    Copy and Paste your about page text here.

    Page #3 Text:

    Copy and Paste your about page text here.

    Page #4 Text:

    Copy and Paste your about page text here.

    Page #5 Text:

    Copy and Paste your about page text here.

    Upload Files:

    *Accepted file types
    .ai .psd .pdf .doc .tif .jpg .png .gif .zip
    *Max file size 25 Mb

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